Adrian Untaru, Bogdan Brădățeanu, Andrei Șerbescu, Esenghiul Abdul, Ioana Tănasie

Author(s) / Team representatives

Adrian Untaru, Bogdan Brădățeanu, Andrei Șerbescu, Esenghiul Abdul, Ioana Tănasie





External collaborators

Structură : Edit Structural, Instalații: Alma Instal Pro, Peisagistică: Beros Abdul

Project location

Bucharest, Romania

Budget in euros


Usable area

93 345 mp

Project start date

Noiembrie 2021

Construction completion date

Decembrie 2023


Prime Kapital


See Website

Photo credits

Vlad Pătru

Text presentation of the author/office in English

ADNBA was established in 2003 in Bucharest, by Andrei Șerbescu and Adrian Untaru, later joined by Bogdan Brădățeanu and Esenghiul Abdul. With almost 20 years of architecture experience, ADNBA is a group of dynamic architects and professionals with various background and skills, always in search of the balance between experiment and experience in order to develop the best design solution for each project. The practice is involved in a diversified body of work with projects that include residential, office or public buildings. In addition, ADNBA has achieved critical both nationally and internationally, having been awarded various architectural distinctions.

Project description in English

The site of the Avalon Estate project is located in the Pipera district, Voluntari, near Bucharest. The land was free of any built structures and had a relatively regular shape of approximately 8 hectares. As a large-scale ensemble, and in the absence of a clearly defined framework of built elements, the project had to be self-sufficient in terms of what happens within it. In this case, architecture is no longer designed at the scale of an object in relation to the built area around it but at the ensemble level. For Avalon Estate, we had the opportunity to create a community as we imagined it, with a mix of housing types specific to a community, including individual houses, row houses, apartments in small buildings with unique solutions, as well as apartments in collective buildings, in addition to an area of services, a club, a kindergarten, and a common park area, directly accessible to residents. Such integrated projects are not very common in the market. Avalon Estate is a fortunate case that does not attempt to conform to a requirement or market analysis. By definition and scale, it is an experimental project, attempting to anticipate a new way of living in Bucharest. The challenge of this project for us was to build a community. The types of housing range from apartments to townhouses, row houses, and individual urban villas, offering the ensemble a different image in terms of sizes and densities meant to mitigate repetitiveness and provide high-quality living. Thus, even though the scale of the project is considerable, its diversity in housing makes it human and pleasant. One of the first ideas that emerged was garden living, a form of living closer to the ground and green space. This concept of "garden living" led to the development of a parking system that conceals cars without affecting the efficiency of entry/exit areas. This resulted in a main road for vehicle circulation located peripherally, which successfully keeps all auto traffic at the periphery of the complex. The rest of the internal circulation includes walkways, bike paths, and walkable platforms, leaving the community with a green area of approximately 30% of the total 8-hectare land.