Loredana Gaiță, Alexandra Stan - Timișoara verde-albastră

Author(s) / Team representatives

Loredana Gaiță, Alexandra Stan - Timișoara verde-albastră




Timișoara verde-albastră

Co-authors/team members

Dragoș Nistor, Mihai Danciu, Alexandru Iliescu

External collaborators

Asociația CRIES,Miki Velciov, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism din Timișoara, Ana-Maria Branea, Alexandru Iovanescu

Project location

Timișoara, Romania

Budget in euros

15 000



Project start date

March 2023

Project completion date

November 2023






See Website

Photo credits

Alexandru Todirică, Dragoș Nistor

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Since 2018, the Timișoara verde-albastră has been a platform for research, dissemination and raising awareness towards the natural resources that we (still) find in Timișoara and its surroundings. The initiative started from the premise that the network of watercourses and drainage channels in the Timișoara Growth Pole (PCT) presents a major opportunity - that of becoming the skeleton of a new green-blue network, which would function as a system of ecological interconnected corridors, which facilitates the interaction of nature inside the built environment. New ecological corridors would respond to climate challenges using nature-based solutions, that encourage biodiversity and provide spaces for recreation and social interaction. These corridors could enhance a complex ecological network formed together with Bega river, the parks, squares and urban green spaces. At the same time, ignoring the utilitarian purpose of the canals, betrays an unsustainable urban policy and creates major flood risks. At the same time, ignoring the utilitarian purpose of the canals betrays an unsustainable urban policy and creates major flood risks.

Project description in English

In 2023, we focused our attention and efforts on a canal in the southeast of the city, forgotten or unknown to most Timisoara residents, with the goal of bringing it back into the collective consciousness. The Subuleasa Canal has a fascinating history that reflects the major political, economic, and administrative transitions of the territory it traverses. Today, the canal runs through a complex and undeveloped area along the route of the future traffick ring, characterized by few functions complementary to housing and a lack of public spaces. However, this current uncertainty offers a strategic potential to connect the three neighboring neighborhoods through a large green-blue corridor. Additionally, the Subuleasa Canal has become central to our concerns due to its potential to become a second major ecological corridor of the city, alongside the Bega River. Thus, we developed the project “Attention, Water!” with two main directions: 1. understanding the history and current urban potential of the canal, and 2. creating points of attraction to change the perception of this forgotten natural resource. During the public event, we distributed brochures explaining the hydro-ameliorative evolution of the area and, in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Timisoara, we exhibited student projects that propose new ways of responsible urban densification. To draw public attention to the canal, we proposed a route marked by temporary urban and artistic interventions, guiding residents from the edge of the urbanized area towards the water. Dense and thorny vegetation previously impeded any physical or visual access. Thus, the proposed route was marked by two vertical points (made from the material of an installation from BETA 2020), a land art piece using perspective play by artist Miki Velciov, a pontoon, and other subtle elements. The cultural activation program also included various components tailored to the specific urban actors we wanted to attract to our vision: canoe rides, a nocturnal concert, a public debate with representatives from local administration, academia, and local initiatives.