Built Space

Non-residential / Interventions on existent

Alexandru Oltean, Sergiu Popa, Larisa-Georgiana Popa,

Author(s) / Team representatives

Alexandru Oltean, Sergiu Popa, Larisa-Georgiana Popa,




Prodomus, Art&Facts

Co-authors/team members

Ada Procons

Project location

Suceava, România

Budget in euros

2 000 000 eur

Usable area

796.43 sqm

Project start date

may 2021

Construction completion date

september 2022


Suceava Municipality

Photo credits

Alexandru Oltean

Text presentation of the author/office in English

Founded in 1998, Prodomus is a promoter of innovative and sustainable architectural design, specializing in creating functional and aesthetic spaces in the residential, commercial, and public sectors, integrating eco-friendly practices and energy-efficient technologies. Art&Facts is an architecture and art office from Suceava, founded in 2016, by Larisa-Georgiana Popa, PhDarch. and high school Art teacher, and Sergiu Popa, architect and visual artist, aiming at imagining and producing art, design and architecture objects. Starting from sculpture and graphic design works, the office's activity has recently focused on residential architecture, working with experimental space, surprising interior paths and the intimate relationship between architecture and nature.

Project description in English

The project's main goal was to utilize a building intended to function as a kindergarten after a series of events and blockages that rendered this important objective of the city of Suceava unusable for a long time. The kindergarten benefited from government funds for rehabilitation and modernization during the period 2007-2010, but after 2010, the execution was halted. In 2019, it was transferred to the public domain of the municipality, and procedures were initiated to complete its renovation, considering the memory of a space with significant sentimental value for the area's residents, with the last beneficiaries of the kindergarten's educational services being the parents of the new users. The general appearance of the building was determined by a series of interventions executed at various stages of the building's life, starting from an initial, simple volume on a single level (which later received an additional floor), parallel to the street and situated slightly higher than it. Another volume, perpendicular to the first but parallel to an important pedestrian alley, was assembled to the initial one through a third, more extensive subsequent volume, both organized on two levels. The beneficiary's request was to complete the objective while retaining the already built elements and defining a contemporary interpretation of the construction. Therefore, the final project was to incorporate the elements of the construction executed up to the moment the project was taken over and preserve all previously made investments.