This subcategory is dedicated to permanent public space projects that reflect the diversity and complexity of public life.

Projects can range from urban and landscape design, urban or rural redevelopment, squares, pedestrian areas, parks, accessibility works, technological infrastructure, transport networks, street networks, to bridges or footbridges, received between July 2022 and July 2024.

Useful information for registration

For information on eligibility and the entire entry process, please see the awards rules.

What types of projects can be entered in this subcategory?

You can apply with projects of:

  • urban and landscape design;
  • restructuring of urban or rural areas;
  • public squares, pedestrian areas;
  • parks;
  • accessibility works;
  • technological infrastructure;
  • transport networks (including depots and garages);
  • road networks (streets and road profiles, bridges, road crossings, footbridges).

Who can participate in this category?

This sub-category is open to architects, conductor architects, urban, or landscape designers, representatives of the administration who are entitled to practice their profession following the legislation in force in the country where they practice their profession, as well as collectives coordinated by them.