This subcategory is dedicated to temporary projects in public space, which highlight the diversity and complexity of public life, testing different scenarios of public space use.

Projects can range from architectural and artistic installations, and works of art in public spaces to tactical urban planning or pavilions.

This category is open to projects completed between July 2022 and July 2024.

Useful information for registration

What projects can be entered in this subcategory?

Can be registered:

  • tactical urbanism projects;
  • temporary urban installations;
  • pavilions
  • works of art in public spaces in the field of fine arts, visual arts, decorative arts, and lighting installations in public spaces.

Who can register in this category?

This subcategory is open to works created by architects, designers, artists, designers, public administration, and civil society, as well as collectives coordinated by them and received between July 2022 and July 2024.