The Temporary Design subcategory focuses on projects that create ephemeral but impactful architectural and design experiences.

These include installations, pop-up structures, scenographies, lighting installations and exhibitions that have a limited lifespan but offer medium to long-term effects. This subcategory challenges architects, designers and artists to think creatively about space under temporary constraints, promoting concepts that are both ephemeral and impactful. By participating in this subcategory the authors highlight their ability to effectively use resources and space in a way that captivates and engages the audience for the life of the installation.

Useful information for registration

For information on eligibility and the entire application process, please see awards rules.

What type of projects can be entered in this subcategory?

In this subcategory are eligible temporary interior lighting installations, scenography (performance spaces), exhibitions, architectural and interior art installations.

Who can participate in this subcategory?

This subcategory is open to professionals in the fields of architecture, interior architecture, design, furniture, decorative arts, scenography, lighting, and art, with diplomas or certificates recognised in their countries of origin and by the relevant professional organisations, who have the right to practice under the legislation in force in the country in which they practice their profession, and the groups coordinated by them.

Works can be submitted either from Romania, Hungary, Serbia or from authors who are permanently resident or who have completed their studies at a university in one of the three countries.