Competition Stages

Beta Awards will take place from June 12 to October 19, 2024, according to the competition stages listed below. See the awards calendar for details regarding the competition timeline.

Registration opening

Registration closing

Preliminary analysis results
The preliminary analysis concerns the competition secretariat's handling of the materials entered in the competition (checking attachments, recording errors, etc.)

Registration period for complaints

Publication of results after resolution of complaints

1st Judging stage
The selection of the projects that move further in the competition and will be part of the public exhibition Beta Awards

Results of the 1st judging stage
Selected projects will be marked with S = selected.

For Built Space, Interior Space, Public Space, Graduation Projects and Endeavours the jury has decided to also present the nominated projects at this stage, marked with N = nominated - projects that are invited to a public debate for the 2nd judging stage.

The selected and nominated projects will be part of the Beta Awards public exhibition and available for public voting.

Opening of the public voting
Public voting will start with the publishing of selected projects and will continue until the end of the contest, when the project with the most votes will be awarded at the 2024 Beta Awards Gala. Each person will be able to vote for only one selected project from the categories Built Space, Interior Space, Public Space, Graduation Projects and Endeavours.

2nd Judging stage
For Text & Foto, the 2nd judging stage applies to the S = selected projects.

For Built Space, Interior Space, Public Space, Graduation Projects and Endeavours the N = nominated projects are invited to a public debate for this stage of the competition.

Awards Gala and final results of the competition
Prizes are awarded per competition category or subcategory where it applies. Prizes will be marked with cu P = Prize (money award), M = mention (money award) și N = nominated (honorary).

The winner of the public vote - the award is honorary and will be awarded to the project with the most votes, regardless of category (only applies to Built Space, Interior Space, Public Space, Graduation Projects and Endeavours)

The jury will decide how to distribute these awards and mentions, including how many they will award (if any).