Architects, Chile, None
Diego Grass is a Chilean architect trained at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2010)–teaching there since 2014 and at Harvard GSD since 2020. He has been doing architecture videos with Felipe de Ferrari since 2006 (as OnArchitecture, www.onarchitecture.com), with whom he also co-founded Plan Común in 2012–which he left in 2016 to form GRASS+BATZ with Thomas Batzenschlager.
Thomas Batzenschlager is a French architect trained at Ecole Nationale Supérieure of Nancy, France (2010). He teaches at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Diego Portales and Universidad Andrés Bello. After collaborating with different offices in France, China, and Chile, he founded the GRASS+BATZ with Diego Grass in 2017. His work has been published in various international magazines and presented in exhibitions in several countries, such as the 2018 edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale. In 2015 he published the book “L’Habitant Temporaire–Petit Atlas des mondes intérieurs” (Lemieux editions).
Their project for Beta 2024 is made by GRASS+BATZ (Diego Grass, Thomas Batzenschlager, Emile Straub, Joaquín Serrano) in collaboration with José Hassi; David Quezada, structural consultant; Constructora Neve Limitada (Julio Neira, Gabriel Neira), construction; Francisca Amenábar, Rocío Gómez and Francisca Vargas, research.